
Gigi! get the girlie look!

new stuff. as always, in a great variety of colours.

Gigi tank tops are available with white base, in light colours and in 2 sets of dark colours, or you can buy your favorite colours as separates. all layers are included.

[MG fashion] Gigi tank tops (white base)

[MG fashion] Gigi tank tops (light colours)

[MG fashion] Gigi tank tops (dark colours pack 01)

[MG fashion] Gigi tank tops (dark colours pack 02)

now, the sweaters. you can choose between the sweater with or without the top detail. also, i made a special colours pack for the sweaters without the top detail. all layers are included.

[MG fashion] Gigi sweaters - w/ top detail

[MG fashion] Gigi sweaters - no top detail

[MG fashion] Gigi sweaters - no top detail (specials)
fat packs are 20% or 30% off, depending on packs size.
all itens are copy, no transfer and no modify.
new stuff is only available at the main store.
hope you like!

3 comentários:

Roslin disse...

omg <3<3<3 the latest releases. So *me* Keep up the great work!

Unknown disse...

Now, I have to murder you to steal your inventory... :P

-Ana Lutetia

Maria Gherardi disse...

loooooooooool ana! ;P

roslin, thank youu! as you can see in the posters, i also loved your latest releases!!! i'm completely and totally and globally (lol) in love with the boutique skins! pleaseeee, do some more!