
MG fashion goes rockabilly!

so it seems!
i thought of Antonia Marat in the very same moment i had the idea for this dress’s design! so, i named it after her!
available in two colours (blue and charcoal), Antonia dress includes all layers and a “no pockets prim skirt” version!

[MG fashion] Antonia Dress (charcoal)

[MG fashion] Antonia Dress (blue)

(poster credits: hair from [Aden]; skin, earrings, tattoo and glasses from /artilleri/; shoes from Maitreya; poses from .:AnaLu:., Luth and Hiccup)

items are copy, no transfer and no modify (except for prims).
new stuff is only available at MG fashion Factory (main store).


Gigi! get the girlie look!

new stuff. as always, in a great variety of colours.

Gigi tank tops are available with white base, in light colours and in 2 sets of dark colours, or you can buy your favorite colours as separates. all layers are included.

[MG fashion] Gigi tank tops (white base)

[MG fashion] Gigi tank tops (light colours)

[MG fashion] Gigi tank tops (dark colours pack 01)

[MG fashion] Gigi tank tops (dark colours pack 02)

now, the sweaters. you can choose between the sweater with or without the top detail. also, i made a special colours pack for the sweaters without the top detail. all layers are included.

[MG fashion] Gigi sweaters - w/ top detail

[MG fashion] Gigi sweaters - no top detail

[MG fashion] Gigi sweaters - no top detail (specials)
fat packs are 20% or 30% off, depending on packs size.
all itens are copy, no transfer and no modify.
new stuff is only available at the main store.
hope you like!