
[MG fashion] Vest&Jacket (GroupGift)

to all of you that kept MG fashion update group in your groups list despite this long "no updates" period, a BIG thank YOU!
... and a GIFT, that i really hope you'll enjoy!

[MG fashion] Vest&Jacket (GroupGift)

this gift is not meant to be a freebie, so i set up a group enrollment fee (200L) that will be up for about 15 days.

a vest or a jacket? uhmmm…. can I have both?

YES, you can! lol
Vest&Jacket is the new release from MG fashion! you will find seven different colour combinations to choose from.
each set includes the vest and the jacket in all possible layers, body sculpted prim, jacket sculpted sleeves and vest sculpted shoulders. also, you can use both the vest and jacket without the body prim.

[MG fashion] Vest&Jacket (GreenBrown)

[MG fashion] Vest&Jacket (TealBrown) [MG fashion] Vest&Jacket (CreamBrown)

[MG fashion] Vest&Jacket (DeepRed) [MG fashion] Vest&Jacket (OrangeBrick)

[MG fashion] Vest&Jacket (SalmonPurple) [MG fashion] Vest&Jacket (PlumGreen)

all itens are copy, no transfer and no modify (except for prims).
new stuff is only available at MG fashion FACTORY (main store).

hOpe you like!