i'm... BACK!
i’m so so sorry for this long absence of mine – unfortunately, i’ve been sick.
but i’m ok now and i’m back! and so is MG fashion!
for you, a new outfit from The Silk Collection - Miriam.
Miriam is a classy and versatile outfit, as you can use both items – top and Jodhpur high waisted shorts - separately.
the outfit includes top, shorts high waisted part and shorts in all layers, along with sculpted cuffs and two attachment options for the Jodhpur sculpted prims (separate prims attaching to pecs and joined prims attaching to pelvis).
itens are copy, no transfer and no modify (except for prims).
new stuff is only available at MG fashion FACTORY (main store).
hope you like!
Ps. if you tried to contact me during this time and obtained no answer, please resend your message (in a notecard) and i will get back to you as soon as possible. thanks!